Groin Strain

What is a Groin Strain?groin strain

Groin strain or a pulled groin muscle commonly causes pain on the inside of the hip. There are other things which can mimic this problem which Pure Physio Albany  can clarify. Thing that feel like a groin strain include hernia, osteitis pubis or another groin injury.

What is a Groin Strain?

A groin strain is a muscular tear to any one of your groin muscles which pull your legs towards each other. Your body has five adductor muscles: adductor brevis, longus, magnus, pectineus and gracilis. Any of these groin muscles can overstrain, but the most common is adductor longus. A groin muscle pull usually occurs with high-speed activities such as kicking, change of direction or sprinting.

What are the Symptoms of Groin Pull?

  • Groin pain and tenderness.
  • Groin muscle spasm or tightness.
  • Pain when you move your leg out to the side.
  • Pain when you use the muscle, side stepping, balancing and running.

How is Groin Muscle Srain Diagnosed?

While groin pain most commonly is associated with a groin muscle injury, you can also experience groin pain from a hernia and other causes. A physical examination from your physio can usually identify the injured groin muscle. The physio will check it is the muscle causing the problem AND check other things, like hernias or a corked thigh aren’t present

MRI and ultrasound investigations can identify the location and extent of a groin injury accurately but are not necessary in 99% of cases.

A partial tear of the groin muscles will often lead to inflammation of the groin or tendinopathy after the initial rupture has healed.

It’s easy to get help from Pure Physio Albany?

Give us a call on 09 4481277 to sort an appointment or click here to book online we are located at Unit 4 Number 18, Airborne Road, Rosedale, Auckland 0632

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