Hamstring strain

What is a Hamstring Strain?
The hamstring is the group of muscles at the back of the thigh. A strain is a tear in the muscle or tendon (as opposed to a sprain where ligaments are injured). So a hamstring strain is an injury of the contracting structures at the back of the leg.
A primary hamstring strain is caused by a problem with the hamstring itself. This could be how the timing of the muscle works, the muscle being too tight or
A secondary hamstring strain can be caused by poor biomechanics like running style. It can also be caused by poor footwear or technique during work or hobbies
Why is telling if its a primary or secondary problem important?
Whether a hamstring problem is primary or secondary is key when preventing reccurence. Anyone who has pulled their hamstring will tel you its not something they wish to repeat but unfortunately that is a risk.
A primary strain of the hamstring will require a focus on treatments to adapt the hamstring to loads put upon it whereas a secondary strain will most likely involve changing the load put upon the tendon by adapting activities.
What are the Symptoms when there is a strain of the Hamstring?
Hamstring strains are characterised by a rapid onset of pain at the back of the leg typically around the level of the buttock crease or just above the knee. Pain from the hamstring very rarely refers pain and stays in the same area.
Brusing can occur either locally,where the pain is, or gravity can pull is down to the calf or even the foot.
How is a Hamstring problem Diagnosed?
Grade 1 Hamstring Strain
With a grade 1 hamstring problem, you may have tightness in the back of the thigh but will be able to walk normally. You will be aware of some hamstring discomfort and unable to run at full speed. There will be mild swelling and spasm. Bend your knee against resistance is unlikely to reproduce much pain.
Grade 2 Hamstring Strain
With a grade 2 hamstring strain, your walking pattern will be affected and you will most likely be limping. Sudden twinges of hamstring pain during activity will be present. You may notice some hamstring muscle swelling and your hamstring will be tender to palpate. It will also be painful for you to bend your knee against resistance.
Grade 3 Hamstring Strain
A grade 3 hamstring tear is a severe injury involving a tear to half or all of the hamstring muscle. You may need crutches to walk and will feel severe pain and weakness in the muscle. Swelling will be noticed immediately and bruising will usually appear within 24 hours.
Diagnostic MRI may also be used to specifically identify the grade of hamstring tear and its exact location.
What else causes Hamstring Pain?
The back, particularly the base of the spine, can refer pain into the back of the thigh. At Pure Physio we will be able to tell what the root cause of your pain is
Hamstring Strain Treatment
In the early stages gentle massage and other modalities will be used to reduce pain. That will progress to gently loading the tendon to increase the bodies natural healing
Finally strengthening, stretching, assessment of biomechanics and balance will be undetaken to facilitate a return to more dynamic or tricky tasks
How can Pure Physio help?
Give us a call on 09 4481277 to sort an appointment or click here to book online