The Low Back Pain Epidemic

Why does low back pain effect so many people?
I have spent the majority of my career treating people with low back pain, studying low back pain or researching low back pain. The reason for this is that even as a student it was clear it was a major problem in people. Why low back pain is such a common problem is more complicated than you might think and involves social and psychological reasons but today we will focus on the physical.
Over the last 100 years our work lives have become more and more speicalised and this has meant we tend to do one thing while at work. So we either spend all day sat at a desk or we spend all day lifting. This tends
to put one repeated stress on our back that can fatigue certain structures and cause low back pain. Alternatively some part of the spine will compensate and in someone who lifts all day will become thick, tough and tight or in someone who sits slumped all day will get stuck in that position, this then might cause a problem at other times which brings me to…..
<img class=”size-medium wp-image-524 alignright” alt=”low back pain” src=”×150.jpg” width=”300″ height=”150″ />We now have very busy lives but also endless entertainment in the form of TV and video ga<span style=”line-height: 1.5em;”>mes to sit on our comfy couches and recuperate. Modern couches tend to be very soft, quite low and have very wide seats. This really encourages you to slump into </span><span style=”line-height: 1.5em;”>them really encouraged a “C” shaped slumped posture. The low seat makes it quite a lot of muscle work to get out of the couch. This means the spine goes from a long bent forward position to a very compressed situation when you get up. This can certainly cause low back pain. </span>
It is great that in New Zealand there is such a social, active population. This gives rise to the classic weekend warrior, spends 40+ hours a week sat at a desk and then at the weekend tries to cycle a thousand kilometers or sprint round the sports field. The spine does not like changing from one activity to the other. It has become fit for its primary purpose over long hours and is now adapted to life at a desk, treat your spine well. Warm up, hydrate and stretch it as well as your “hammies”. If you’re a bit older or very sedentary in your day job this may mean you need to warm up even for quite light activities.
If you are experiencing low back pain drop us a line to chat about things or book an appointment by clicking ““Pure Physio book online”