Pure Physio and the Physio Covid Rules

The changes to Pure Physio Practice to fit with Physio COVID rules and maximise your safety

physio COVID rulesEvidence based practice

Since COVID first became a worldwide problem way back in early 2020 I have spent a lot of time looking at the science and trying to be as well informed as I can on the issue.  I was a volunteer during the first lockdown to work in Hospitals if the pandemic put too much pressure on our hospital workforce.  I am very keen to abide by the Physio COVID rules but also go the extra mile to ensure my patients are as safe as possible.


After each patient I will clean the bed and regularly clean touch points such as door handles.  I obviously will wash my hands between each client but I will also sanitise my hands each time I need to use the computer or phone.  Soap and hand sanitiser have been shown to instantly kill the virus, furthermore the spray sanitiser we use on furniture has a residual effect which continues to kill germs even after use.

Mask wearing

Masks are mandatory and so, obviously, I’ll follow this guidance.  I thought it would be valuable to explain my perspective on masks because for some reason they appear to be controversial.  In my 20s I worked on a Medical ward.  I treated a lot of people with chest infections and the like as well as quite a few immune compromised people.  This means if the latter group was exposed to germs from the former group they would, almost certainly, die.  This was all the motivation I needed to listen to every infection control nurse who taught us the correct way of taking a mask on and off.


I hear criticism of masks that you can still feel normal breathing through them and as such people believe they are ineffective.  There are a few things to say to that.  First and foremost a well fitted mask will reduce the air flow going forward but not eliminate it, this could be what you are feeling.  Secondly if someone is close enough that they are feeling your breath on their face from normal breathing I hope you are VERY good friends! Thirdly almost all respiratory infections need large numbers of viruses to get into the other person mere 100s will be fought off by an immune system.  This means, most likely, viruses carried by a mucus or water droplet for a droplet to make it that far it would need to be propelled by a sneeze or a cough which the video above shows is totally different in a mask.  Fourth and finally masks create an awareness.  Fortunately or unfortunately they remind us that there is a pandemic going on.  They remind us we need to wash hands and sanitise and go away from each other to sneeze, this could be the most important effect of mask wearing


I have ordered scrubs from the nice people at Embroidme Albany.  There is a reason these are worn in hospitals.  They are a simple design which means cleaning is much more effectve and there are less folds and creases for bugs to hide away in.  I have ordered enough so I  will only be wearing these for a few hours before changing to mimimise the chances of passing on any infection.


I am getting regularly tested.  Unfortunately, a few people are symptom-free while being infectious.  Although this is unlikely it is another level of protection for my clients.


It is really important when considering COVID 19 to think about how air moves.  It is an air-borne disease after all.  I am very fortunate in that I have 2 rooms I can use.  After I see a client in one room I will use the other for my next client.  Each room has an extractor fan which will be turned on.  Furthermore, the air conditioner unit will be on to extract air.  This flow will make sure if, in the very unlikely event, that there are COVID 19 particles in the air they will be extracted before anyone can be put at excess risk.


COVID 19 rules physio

There is a wealth of evidence to support how vaccines protect individuals from COVID 19 but what about others? A recent study showed how the vaccinated still spread the disease and the headlines sounded like vaccination wasn’t much protection.  The headlines were misleading, this was if only the sick person was vaccinated AND lived for some time in close quarters with the newly infected person.  If both people were vaccinated it was protective.  Also there is evidence that contact for a shorter period the vaccine is beneficial.  I am vaccinated and will keep up to date as to whether any booster is advised for me.

To book an appointment at Pure Physio Albany or dicuss concerns you have regarding how to be safe with Physio COVID 19 rules contact us

To book expert physio with Pure Physio click here. Or to sort an appointment which is as safe as possible you give us a call on 09 4481277

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