Running injuries

Running injuries: how to get better and STAY better when you get back to running
Early stages
Running injuries can be almost anything for the legs and to a much lesser extent the back. In the initial stages by both Pure Physio and yourselves these injuries need treating as any other. Sprains and strains need rest, ice and gentle movement. It’s really important to gently keep the body part mobile. Also the body heals to the lines of stress put upon it so gentle movement will help this process.
Returning to activity
Once the acute injury has settled the real key important thing with running injuries is to gradually return to running. Obviously daily life is important for all of us, and may be more of an immediate concern, work and hobbies other than running which are easier to return to will be dealt with first. However, we understand running is so important to people either as a hobby, as maintenance of fitness or as a competitive endeavour.
What we do is return you to running in a timely fashion. Obviously if you’ve got events you need to train for then this is really important and they’ll be taken into consideration while planning treatment. Also safety is paramount we need to get you back to running in a way that you won’t injure yourself again so we will look at your footwear, we’ll look at your biomechanics, we can a look at the profile of your feet and how this alters while running and all of these things in a dynamic situation which mimics running. So many clinics look at a static standing posture at your feet for what we’re getting ready trying to do is look at you while running looking at you pushing off looking at you landing and really trying to get the control mechanisms so this can be done in the most efficient way possible meant
So many clinics look at a static standing posture of your feet. What we’re trying to do is look at you while running, looking at you pushing off, looking at you landing and really trying to get the control mechanisms so this can be done in the most efficient way possible.
A cure to your injury is important but prevention of a recurrence is also essential.
Get in touch!
To talk to us you can call us on 09 4481 2277 or book online by clicking here