Can Superman help you exercises be better?

Can Superman help you exercises be better?exercises

Superman is famed for many things but impressive strength and an imposing physique must be two of the more obvious examples.  The question is can the man of steel help you gain those attributes through exercises?


I was looking at posture and its positive effects for some of the articles on the Pure Physio website and found one that I thought would be of particular interest to patients who are trying to hit their exercises goals.


Superman’s stance, standing as tall as he can with his head over his shoulders and his shoulders back, helps engage our core muscles.  This means they will be getting a workout, burning calories and becoming toned while you’re standing still.


More interestingly some researchers in America were looking at why some people were more confident than others and they found it could be explained by their posture.  This posture was nicknamed the Superman pose, shoulders back and broad, chest out, standing tall.  Now this in itself was interesting but they went on to look at why this happened and found that people who stood with a Superman pose increased the level of testosterone in their blood for short periods of time.


Testosterone is an interesting hormone famed for machismo and bravado.  However, it also helps us gain bigger, stronger muscles more quickly in both men and women.  So on your way to the gym stand tall it may just help you have a Superhuman workout!

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