The difference between a calf strain and achilles tendon problem
Are a calf strain and Achilles tendonitis the same thing?
Are the Calf and Achilles the same thing?

The difference between a calf strain and an Achilles tendonitis is that although the pain is felt in a similar place they happen in different structures. A tendon attaches a muscle to a bone so that it can produce or control movement. Normally a tendon is named after its muscle so we have biceps and biceps tendon Achilles tendon was named after a Greek legend who was invulnerable apart from his heel.
So the Achilles tendon is the calf tendon by a different name. The calf is technically speaking 2 muscles the gastrocnemius muscle and solesus. Gastrocnemius is longer and attaches above the knee. Soleus sits next to the shin bone. Both use the Achilles tendon to pull on the heel bone and push us up to stand on our toes.
How do you injure them?
Both the Achilles and calf can be injured by rapid force. This is usually when jumping or running. This usually gives instant pain and can create bruising which may track down into the foot as gravity pulls it down. If this happens in the early days ice and rest are advised. Often we hear from patients they didn’t want to get physio too early, this advice is out dated and the earlier you get treatment the earlier you will be better.
Ironically your Achilles hurting can be a good thing if its injured. A weak pain-free Achilles is a sign of a ruptured Achilles tendon
The Achilles can become painful from overuse. This is not an inflammatory or healing process but in the last 20 years we have a much better understanding of this process.
What to expect from treatment
The rapid onset injuries both need rest in the early stages. Assessment by Pure Physio, Albany will help tell you to what extent to rest to most speed up recovery. The slower onset overuse problem needs exercise to reeducate the tendon to take load without pain.
The calf muscle may well need strengthening towards the end of rehab whereas a tendon injury will tend to shorten as a response to injury and will need greater focus on stretching.
Get in touch about your calf strain or achilles tendonitis
Pure Physio can help you get better efficiently from your calf/achilles pain. Returning you to your previous level of function and getting you back to your lifestyle in a way that suits you.